American Civil War Artifacts (Confederate and Unknown)

The foundation of the Confederate State of America is considered one of the most controversial actions in the history of the United States, and the fundamental principles that the Confederacy stood by are still an emotional topic over a century and a half since the last bullet was fired by a soldier in a butternut uniform. The battle flag of the secession states is still in use today, and it remains not only a symbol of rebellion, but behind it looms the inky shadow of white supremacy, and the contemptuous venom of xenophobia. The existence of the Confederacy is not something that should be forgotten, and to study it is to understand why a collection of Americans were willing to tear their own nation apart by war in order to preserve the institution of slavery, and the profits that human bondage brought at the expense of countless unfortunate souls. Within this gallery are relics from the Confederacy, such as bullets, original bank notes, including one burned by General Sherman’s troops during his infamous March to the Sea, and a slice from the Famous “Lee Tree” outside General Robert E. Lee’s headquarters at Gettysburg. Also present here are some artifacts that are ambiguous, meaning they could belong to either a Yankee, or a Rebel. These include a Cross and Pendant recovered at the Bull Run battlefield, and an Irish Brigade Harp Hat Pin.


Civil War Relics (Union)


Pre-WW1 Artifacts